Steering Committee

Ana Cavalli

TELECOM & Management SudParis

Ana Cavalli has obtained her Doctorat d’Etat es Mathematics Science and Informatics, from the University of Paris VII, in 1984. In 1981, she integrated the LITP ((Laboratoire d’Informatique Théorique et Programmation), C.N.R.S., Paris, where she worked on proof methods for temporal logics and their application to communication protocols. From 1985 to 1990, she was a researcher in the department Languages and Switch Systems, at CNET (Centre National d’Etudes des Telecommunications), where she worked on software engineering and formal methods.

She is Full Professor at TELECOM & Management SudParis (ex Institut National des Telecommunications) since 1990. She is the director of the Software for Networks department. She is also responsible of the research team “Verification and test of services and protocols” and the AVERSE team, in the CNRS research laboratory SAMOVAR. She is member of the Steering Committee of the IFIP TESTCOM conference and also member of the Program Committee of numerous international conferences: IFIP FORTE, IEEE ICNP, IEEE ICST, IFIP CFIP, SARSII, AMOST-T, SETOP, IEEE ICST, QESS. She has been co-chair of TESTCOM’95, SDL’97, PSTV/FORTE’98, ICNP’2002 et CFIP’2003. She will be domain chair of ICNP 2009, and co-chair of the IEEE ICST 2010 and SETOP 2010 conferences.

Her research interests are on specification and verification, testing methodologies for conformance and interoperability testing, active testing and monitoring techniques, the validation of security properties and their application to services and protocols. She is the leader of the European Marie Curie network TAROT (Training and Research on Testing) and participates to several national and international projects: ASK IT, NetLab, POLITESS, WebMov, SHIELDS, CARRIOCAS, Robust Testing.

Robert Hierons

Brunel University, United Kingdom

Robert Hierons has received a BA in Mathematics (Trinity College, Cambridge), and a Ph.D. in Computer Science (Brunel University). Then he joined the Department of Mathematical and Computing Sciences at Goldsmiths College, University of London, as a lecturer in computer science before returning to Brunel University. Together with Mark Harman he founded the ATeSST group at Brunel. He is a member of the Brunel Software Engineering Group and is the Director of one of Brunel’s University Research Centres: the Centre for Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM). He have chaired or co-chaired several events including the 16th IFIP TC 6 / WG 6.1 International Conference on Testing of Communicating Systems (TestCom 2004) and the first IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, ICST 2008. He was also programme co-chair of the 11th International Conference On Quality Software (QSIC 2011) and will be programme co-chair of SEFM 2013. He currently chair the steering committee of the IFIP TC 6 / WG 6.1 International Conference on Testing Software and Systems (ICTSS). And he is joint Editor of The Journal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability.

He is also a Chartered Fellow of the BCS and a Senior Member of the IEEE. He is a member of the EPSRC FORTEST, SEMINAL, and ASTReNeT networks. He is involved in the Marie Curie Research Training Network TAROT (Training And Research On Testing) and organised the 2008 TAROT summerschool. He is involved in a number of projects including EPSRC funded projects on Semantic Mutation Testing and on Testing Probabilistic and Stochastic Systems.

His current research interests include: specification based testing and model based testing including testing (possibly non-deterministic or concurrent) state-based systems; distributed testing; asynchronous testing; testing from a state-based specification (such as a finite state machine); mutation testing; program schemas and slicing; adaptive testing and the ordering of adaptive test cases; testing from a Z specification; testability transformation; comparing test techniques.

Manuel Núñez

Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

Manuel Núñez received a Ph.D. in Mathematics/Computer Science in 1996 and an MS degree in Economics in 2002, in both cases from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. Since 1997, he is an associate professor in the Computer Systems and Computation Department at the same university.

He has published several papers in refereed journals and international venues. He regularly serves in the Program Committee of conferences such as Forte and TestCom, being the co-chair of Forte 2004 and FATES 2006, among others. He was the founder of the Testing and Performance Evaluation research group at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. The group is currently lead by his colleagues Luis Llana and Mercedes G. Merayo. He was the scientific coordinator of the Marie Curie RTN TAROT (Training And Research On Testing). The network coordinator was Ana Cavalli. As one of the network activities, he organized the 2nd Tarot Summer School in Toledo, Spain, 2006 and the 5th Tarot Summer School in Las Navas del Marqués, Spain, 2009.

His current research is circumscribed to use formal methods in different application areas. Currently, he is mainly working in the area of formal methods for testing complex systems but occasionally do some work on probabilistic and timed extensions of process algebras. He is also working in the use of formal methods in user modelling, with an emphasis on collective intelligence. In particular, he is interested in the inclusion/addition/adaption of formal methods and economic concepts and systems.